Do you know that you are constantly sending out energy signals throughout each day by your thoughts and actions? And are you willing to consider that some of those patterns and conditioned behaviors are the very things that are keeping love away?
Entertain me if you will...
I was having a conversation with a client of mine the other day and she was telling me that she was doing "all the right" things in order to meet her next partner. She's active in her community, travels all over the globe with friends and sometimes alone, goes to social events regularly, has a great job that allows her to meet new people, plays tennis and skiis regularly, etc. She asked me why it was that "he" wasn't showing up?
While I didn't have a pat answer for her, I was able to determine that perhaps with all that she is doing, perhaps she isn't leaving any space in her life for him to enter? I asked her where she slept at night in her bed, on the side or in the middle. She answered somewhere in between. "Let me ask you this," I asked, "If he was in there with you, would there be room? Or would you need to move over in order to give him some space?" She said she would need to move over, so I told her to start doing that now. "Act as if he is already there and you will be amazed by the results. You need to shift your energy so it is in alignment with what you are wanting."
Think about it, when you have invited guests to your home, do you park your car right in the middle of the driveway right before they arrive? No. You move it over to the side or put in the garage to allow room for them. Why? Because you are expecting their arrival and want them to be accommodated when they get there. And have you ever invited a group of people to come over only to have no one show up? I'm going to venture never. Why do they show up? Expectation. And its the same with finding love - you can shift your energy now so that you are expecting the changes you want and the universe won't be able but to help bring those results to you.
I then asked my client what her closets looked like and she said, "Well they're packed. C'mon, I'm a woman and I need room for my clothes." Have you ever been to a couple's house and seen only women's clothing in the closets? Okay, I'll admit, usually the chick gets most of the closet real estate, but there are men's clothing in there too...that is if the dude's not a cross-dressing recluse! I told her that I was certain if I went to her closet, I could pick out a stack of clothing that she no longer wears that could easily be given away without missing them for a second. And further, now is the perfect time to get rid of the things that are using up her energy so that she could make room for "his" clothes. If you are questioning the validity of these steps, then I challenge you: how badly do you want change? Isn't it worth a shot to make some minor adjustments in your life to see if you can create space for something you really want?
Here's a part of an email I received from a past client who is newly engaged and used her energy signals to find love:
"Kari - Thanks for the well wishes on my engagement. I have to tell you, had I not contacted you and went out with some of your members, I wouldn't have had the confidence to go online and find Matt. You really helped me get out of my own way and to show me how to change my thinking. It was only after going on the dates you sent me on and talking with you afterwards that got me to change how I was sending out the smoke signals!"
Yeah, yeah...I know, I can't take the credit for the actual introduction to the man this woman is now engaged to, but I can take ownership of helping this client to change her energy signals so that she could be in a space to allow love into her life. So what about you? Is there room in your bed, your closet, your schedule, your life for another person to enter? Where can you create space to allow for that someone special to come into?
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