Even with global warming and higher digits being seen on the handy dandy outdoor temperature gauge, it was still crappy news to hear that ol' Phil, the famous prognosticator groundhog, saw his shadow today verifying that we have 6 more weeks of dreaded winter ahead. I'm over it.
You know what I'm even more over? Having a "groundhog life" where I listen to myself ad naseum, spouting the same thoughts over and over again in my monkey mind as if this time hearing the same complaint or disparaging comment will be the time it will matter and make a difference. Guess what, I'm 41 and I'm here to say, negative self talk hasn't helped, motivated or served me yet, so why bother anymore? I'm over it.
I'm also over living in a little bubble doing the same routine over and over again - day in, day out and expecting a different outcome. Wasn't it Albert Einstein that said something about this and its correlation to insanity? I've come to realize that most people aren't afraid of dying - they're afraid of living. And I'm over being one of those in fear of taking risks, in getting off the hamster wheel and in letting go of the same old routine that was at first my friend but is now my foe!
No, at the end of December 2011, I made the concious decision that I was going to stop the madness and start to lessen up on the reins of my so-called controlled life and to throw caution to the wind and see what's out there for me. Enough is enough, I wasn't put here to be a damn groundhog (Did you know they are also referred to as a "Whistle Pig?" I'm not sure in referring to myself, which one I'm more offended by!) and I certainly wasn't meant for mediocrity, stagnation, predictability and routine. And guess what, neither are you!
What I noticed almost as soon as January 1 hit, was that even the most minor shifts from my daily routine and thoughts procured results immediately. The most minuscule outcomes from my actions (and I'm talking, receiving a free cup of coffee at the local Wawa by saying "Hi" to the manager!) motivated me and gave me the positive energy to go out into the world, research new ideas, network, meet new people and be willing to accept and embrace change in my life.
Why does minor action produce almost immediate results? Physics. Just like the law of gravity suggests that if you jump off a building, you're going to hit the ground, the law of physics claims that once an object begins moving forward, it takes on a force (energy) of its own. It almost appears too simple - once you move forward in any direction - even the "wrong" one - you will be pulled into the flow of forward-moving energy.
If you are single and wanting a mate, what energy are you communicating with the universe that you would like your soul mate to arrive? Are you putting energy forward into finding love or are you stuck on the endless tape of rewind-stop-play, rewind-stop-play, rewind-stop-play, listening to the same message over and over again? It's okay if you are, but sometimes it just takes a nudge from the ethers, (I'm happy to be of service today!) to wake you up and remind you that you're wanting something new, that makes all the difference.
When you make phone calls to inquire about a certain someone of interest, meet with someone new in the hopes of making a love connection or do research on the Internet to find out places to meet other single people, you're sending out a message to the universe that you're moving forward. And haven't we all been looking back for far too long now to know that the answers are not in our shadow's, but ahead in our energy created future's?
Here's to dumping our own Groundhog Phil's and Groundhog Phylliss's and to embracing our new, exciting and different lives'. I don't care what they say, spring is here for me!
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