Surprisingly, I tend to hear this complaint just as often from men as from women! Wellllllllll...okay, but some men are caring gentlemen out there that do gripe about this scenario! I guess you reach a certain age when you're past trying to go out and just "hook up" and you want to really get to know a person before becoming intimate. But let's face it, there are as many opinions and rules of thumb on this topic as there are sex positions!
I'm personally not a big believer in starting out a relationship in a sexual manner, because I think it really does get in the way of truly getting to know a person. It shifts the relationship to that of a sexual one and at that point the sex becomes the focus. If the relationship lasts long enough, you can get to the point where there is a balance between your sexual relationship and time spent together outside of the bedroom. However, you increase your odds of it becoming a lasting relationship when you take some time to learn about each other before becoming physical.
I have to say, that was a pivotal moment for not only him, but for myself. I realized that having sex under pressure has never led anywhere good in my past and that if someone isn't going to tolerate me being true to myself, then they don't really care about me as a person or getting to know me better. And that's a deal breaker!
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